Learn Dr. Jill Liss, MD

Dr. Jill Liss, MD

 portrait of Dr. Jill Liss, an OB-GYN


Dr. Jill Liss is a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist (OB-GYN) and faculty at the University of Colorado with an expertise in menopause and gender diverse gynecology. With over a decade of professional experience, she has a deep passion for providing thoughtful and comprehensive reproductive care throughout the life course.

Her clinical work spans from conservative and surgical management of abnormal bleeding, menopause care, obstetrics, gynecologic surgery and gender-diverse gynecology care, including pioneering work in transgender & menopause care as Co-Director of Gynecology for the CU Integrated Transgender Program.

As the Clinical Content Director for OB-GYN at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, she also plays a vital role as an educator shaping the next generation of medical professionals. She has also been published in scientific journals on the topic of menopause. She’s passionate about educating the public, patients, students, and residents about the menopause transition so that they’re empowered with knowledge and can advocate for solutions.

Education and Training

Dr. Liss received her undergraduate degree from Cornell University and earned her medical degree from the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She completed her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.


Dr. Liss enjoys spending time, especially outdoors, with friends and family, and is in the process of learning to play the bass. Her global perspective, acquired from living in South America and fluency in Spanish, enriches her professional and personal experiences. Recently, she has embarked on travel to Argentina, not only for leisure, but also to support her husband's wristwatch business by contributing to the sourcing of high-quality leather watch bands.

Why Did You Join Versalie?

As a passionate educator in the menopause space, I am thrilled to be working with Versalie to share their platform with my patients and improve access to evidence-based menopause care on a larger scale to people across the country. 


  • Clinical Content Director for OB-GYN at the University of Colorado School of Medicine
  • Peer-reviewer for the journal Menopause.
  • Member of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
  • Member of the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • Member of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS)
  • Member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health


Dr. Liss has been featured in Health Central and local Denver, CO, broadcast 9News. Her recent peer-reviewed publications include “Type and age of menopause: potential implications for female sexual health” and “Compounded Bioidentical Hormones: Myths and Realities.”


Last Updated 4/11/2024