Learn Dr. Shannon Chavez, PsyD, CST

Dr. Shannon Chavez, PsyD, CST

 portrait of Dr. Shannon Chavez, a Psychologist & Sex Therapist


Dr. Shannon Chavez is a nationally recognized expert, therapist, and educator specializing in “all things sexuality” using a unique mind-body approach in her work with individuals, couples, and groups of all ages and backgrounds. Her work focuses on the treatment of sexual disorders; sex education for conservative religious and cultural groups; sexual trauma and abuse; and attachment-oriented therapy surrounding love, romance, and sex.

She is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in California (PSY26924) with a private practice in Beverly Hills, CA (SHAPE Center) with over 15 years of experience where she provides individual and couples therapy, sex and relationship coaching, and workshops and retreats to help build sexual awareness and empowerment around sexual health. Her specialty in women’s health includes education and community outreach on dealing with sociocultural influences around sexuality including menopause education and understanding the role of sexual health in overall wellness.

Education and Training

Dr. Chavez earned her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (PsyD) and Master's in Marriage and Family Therapy from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. She also completed a 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowship at The Institute for Sexual Health in Beverly Hills, CA, treating clients dealing with sex addiction-compulsivity and sexual health concerns. She is a Certified Sex Therapist (CST) through the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists and a certified sex coach and clinical sexologist with specialized training in the diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders.


Dr. Shannon Chavez is a wife, psychologist, and writer who has dedicated her career to helping women feel more confident and empowered around sexuality. She started speaking out about menopause and sexual health at the start of her career while working as an expert speaker for the Society for Women’s Health and Research. She realized that the stigma and misconceptions in sexual health care was leading to problems in women seeking menopause treatment.

As a woman going through the menopause transition, she believes we need community and support from other women to change the landscape of women’s health. Dr. Chavez believes menopause is not an ending or negative experience in one’s life. She believes that embracing the changes around menopause and breaking free from societal beliefs can lead to enjoying this ‘golden era’ of your sexual lifespan.

Dr. Shannon Chavez is here to help change the messaging around menopause and help women embrace sexuality at any age. She creates content on social media platforms and collaborates with top sexual health brands to influence change around how society treats women’s sexual health concerns.

Dr. Chavez lives with her husband and dog in Glendora, California where she enjoys spending time outdoors hiking, Krav Maga, gardening, and listening to music.

Why Did You Join Versalie?

Dr. Chavez is thrilled to be a part of the Versalie initiative to help educate women around menopause. She believes menopause is an essential part of our lives and wants to help break down shame and ageism that keeps women from living their best life and embracing these changes. In her role with Versalie, she hopes to facilitate education and accurate information regarding changes to sexual health during menopause and empower women to have the tools and information needed to take charge of their health.


  • Active member of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT)
  • Active member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)
  • Active member of the American Psychological Association (APA)


She has been featured in GQ, New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, Broadly Vice, Instyle, and Self Magazines; and is a frequent contributor to the website SheKnows.com. She has also appeared on national news and radio as an expert on sexuality and women’s health.


Last Updated 7/18/2024