woman smiling and talking about her menopause skin care routine to help her look and feel her best

Menopause Skin Care — How to Look and Feel Your Best

By Naomi Braun, MPH, MSW • Published 03/01/2024

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Jill Liss, MD

The natural process of aging is something we all share. And as you’re probably experiencing, it can come with a lot of physical changes to your body. One of the most visible changes is to your skin. You may have noticed more fine lines or wrinkles on your face, a decrease in skin elasticity, and a thinning of the skin. It might even feel drier and itchier than before. For better or for worse, all these changes are to be expected and can get worse over time. Many of the changes that happen to the skin as we age are genetic. This means that even if we take great care of our skin as we age, some changes will still happen.

To start to understand how to feel your best in your own skin and keep it healthy, let's take a look at the science of skin.

The science behind aging skin

Your skin, including your facial skin, is composed of several layers. The outer layer is called the epidermis, and the inner layer is called the dermis. The dermis contains:

  • Collagen. A protein that helps to maintain skin volume and moisture.
  • Elastin fibers. Another protein that allows the skin to stretch out and then shrink back.

As we age, the production of collagen and elastin decreases, which can lead to skin that feels less firm and elastic. In addition, factors like too much sun, genetics, and lifestyle choices like smoking can cause skin to change at an even faster rate.

How do wrinkles form?

Wrinkles are another piece of this aging skin puzzle. Certain facial wrinkles, known as dynamic wrinkles, are formed by repeated muscle movements, like smiling or squinting. These movements lead to wrinkle lines developing over time. Static wrinkles, on the other hand, form because of the loss of collagen, elastin, and facial fat. This causes wrinkles to appear even when the face isn't moving.

What causes loose skin?

Loose skin, sometimes called sagging skin, occurs due to a combination of factors. As you get older, your skin starts to lose subcutaneous fat — the fat that sits just under the skin. This fat gives your skin volume and support. This, along with the loss of collagen and elastin, contributes to your skin starting to fall. Gravity further worsens the situation, making the skin droop even more.

closeup of a woman's face showing wrinkles near her mouth

Menopause skin changes

Estrogen plays a vital role in overall skin health. Your skin has many estrogen receptors. When estrogen levels decrease, it impacts the growth factors that help your skin stay firm, elastic, and hydrated. In addition, the number of blood vessels in your skin also declines. This means less blood and nutrients can get to the skin.

The combination of lower levels of estrogen during the menopause transition and the natural process of aging can have a big impact on the skin. Here are some of the primary hormone-related skin changes.

Drier and thinner skin

One of the most noticeable changes in your skin caused by hormones are dryness and thinning. As estrogen levels drop, the skin becomes thinner and can't hold as much moisture. This makes your skin drier and more likely to have fine lines and wrinkles. This is also partially caused by a decline in blood flow to the skin. This dry and thin skin can also lead to skin feeling itchy.

Fine lines and wrinkles

As you age, your body makes less collagen and elastin. This means you're more likely to get wrinkles and fine lines on your skin, especially around your eyes, mouth, and forehead. Additionally, decreased skin elasticity can make these wrinkles more noticeable.

Loss of firmness in skin

Estrogen, along with subcutaneous fat (the fat right under the skin), also helps keep the skin firm. As we age and go through menopause, the fat under our skin and the firmness of our skin both decrease. This makes our skin look less firm and supple. This can result in looser skin, especially in areas like the cheeks and neck.

Increased skin sensitivity

Skin can become more sensitive during menopause. It may get red and irritated more easily. The increased sensitivity can make the skin more fragile and more easily irritated by certain skincare products, or even minor injuries.

Decreased collagen production

Estrogen helps promote the production of collagen, which gives the skin its firmness and structure. When estrogen levels decline, less collagen is produced. This causes more static wrinkles and loose skin to form.

Checkout the Versalie skincare guide for skincare tips, advice, and solutionsHow to take care of skin during menopause

While there’s nothing you can do to stop the aging process and menopause, there are ways to help lessen the effects of these natural skin changes and create healthier-looking skin.

  • Wear sunscreen to protect your skin. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, that protects against both UVA (ultraviolet A) and UVB (ultraviolet B) rays. These are the sun's wavelengths that can damage skin. Don’t forget to reapply every few hours and apply to often-forgotten spots like the back of your hands, the tops of your feet, and your ears.
  • Moisturize your skin with hyaluronic acid or glycerin. These products can be especially helpful to help keep your skin healthy and supple. Petroleum jelly is another good choice since it’s an occlusive moisturizer. That means it seals moisture into the skin.
  • Consider products containing retinoids or peptides. These can help improve skin texture, increase collagen production, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Focus on healthy lifestyle choices. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol because they can cause premature skin aging. Eat a balanced diet full of a variety of fruits and vegetables to support your skin's health.
  • Stay well-hydrated to maintain skin moisture and elasticity. Drink throughout the day when you feel thirsty and focus mostly on water. Carrying a water bottle around is a great way to do this.
  • Cosmetic procedures like dermal fillers, Botox injections, and laser treatments are used to smooth wrinkles. Nothing stops the skin's aging process. If you try any of these treatments, you’ll probably need to repeat them again and again to keep seeing the benefits. Before deciding on any treatments, talk to a board-certified dermatologist.
a woman manages her menopause skin changes and taking care of her skin during menopause by moisturizing her skin

How to love your skin

It’s hard to ignore the social pressure and media giving you anti-aging tips to keep your skin looking young and wrinkle-free. You probably see it and hear it everywhere you go. But, while those messages won’t disappear, how you react to them can change. There are ways to feel good in your current skin and look and feel your best no matter how many wrinkles you’ve earned.

  • Celebrate your wrinkles. Think about how your wrinkles have formed over the years. They formed because your face was moving a lot, responding to the highs and lows in life. Think of yourself as lucky to have lived this long and felt so many emotions.
  • Try on a new look. Instead of focusing on your face, have fun with changing how you express yourself. Try a new hair cut or color, wear new clothes, add some accessories, anything to give your look a boost!
  • Go inward to shine. Put your energy towards improving your physical and emotional health. When you feel better on the inside, the outside can feel better too.
  • Redo your routine. Whether you’ve always worn makeup or are just starting, there are some changes you can make to your makeup routine to help enhance your beautiful aging face.

You have a lot of options to help manage your menopause skin changes and maintain healthy skin as you age. Learning about the science behind wrinkles, sagging skin, and hormone changes can help you make smart choices about skincare, your lifestyle, and possible treatments. It can also help you embrace aging gracefully, and with confidence.

Last Updated 11/04/2024


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