a girl happily hugging her mother who has her menopause travel kit for their trip

Don't Forget to Pack Your Menopause Travel Kit

By Susan LaScala Wood • Published 04/29/2024

Medically Reviewed by MD, OB-GYN

There are times we could all use a vacation. Like, really use a vacation. And we shouldn’t let menopause keep us from taking it. Of course, hot flashes, moodiness, and brain fog aren’t exactly the best travel companions, but packing a menopause travel kit can help make sure they don’t get in the way of your good time. Here are some recommendations on what to include.

Travel during menopause

Traveling by plane, train, and/or automobile can be incredibly uncomfortable at times — even for those who aren’t going through menopause. Toss in hot flashes and a few other rather bothersome menopause symptoms, and you may be tempted to turn back before you even arrive. Wait, come back! Because a surefire way to keep that from happening is to pack a few things that can add comfort in your time of need, such as:

  • A travel pillow that can give a little extra support where your body needs it, and helps you rest during travel.
  • Light layers you can take on and off as your body temperature changes.
  • Noise-canceling headphones that may help lessen anxiety and give you a much-needed moment of zen.

For a good night’s sleep

Spending the night in a bed that’s not your own may throw off your sleep. There are often some things you just can’t control — like mattress firmness, bedding, and sometimes even room temperature. But a little preplanning before you pack can help you get (and stay) more comfortable. We suggest investing in:

  • Breathable sleepwear made of fabrics such as linen and eucalyptus that may help wick moisture away all night.
  • A stainless-steel water bottle to keep liquids cold and that you can sip to get some relief from night sweats.
  • A portable fan that can help cool you down quickly.
  • Ear plugs and an eye mask to help you sleep when you might have noisy neighbors or a bright light right outside your room.
  • Meditation or sleep apps that can help put your mind and body at ease.
a woman who brings the menopause travel kit for the trip enjoying a fun ride

For looking your best

So, you’ve got your outfits planned for every day and night. Great, now pack a couple more. Because while you might know each look is perfect, after a particularly steamy hot flash or two, they might not stay that way. Another good idea is to pack some travel laundry detergent in case you end up needing to do a little in-sink washing. Or even better, invest in a portable washbag that allows you to wash your clothes on-the-go.

For peace of mind

We’ve all been there. After a full day of traveling, we make it to the luggage carousel and wait for our bag. And wait. And wait. That’s when we realize our bag, along with everything in it, didn’t arrive. It’s one of the most awful feelings — and it can quickly bring on lots of stress just at the moment you were ready to start relaxing. Believe me, I know — it happened to me on my honeymoon. The way to avoid this kind of unwanted stress? Pack the most important, can’t-live-without items in a carry-on bag. Always. That includes:

  • Medications
  • Computers
  • Chargers
  • Wallet and money
  • Travel documents (including confirmation codes for hotels and activities)
  • An extra outfit and underwear
  • A bathing suit, if you’ll need it

For a good time

Vacation is a great time to turn the heat up in your relationship — or with yourself. And while vaginal dryness and thinning tissues may have tagged along on your trip, packing a personal lubricant (or “lube” as the “cool kids” refer to it) in your kit can keep them from dampening the mood. It lubricates the walls of the vagina to help keep the area moist and reduce friction, so sex is more comfortable and enjoyable.

When you make the extra effort to pack your menopause travel kit, you might need to upsize your luggage, but you’re also upsizing your experience. You’ll spend a lot less time worrying about menopause and a lot more time enjoying this wonderful, peaceful pause in life.

Last Updated 04/29/2024

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